
If you’ve never been to the Great Plains prairie, you should come to visit. Technically, prairies are enormous stretches of flat land with moderate temperatures, moderate rainfall, and few trees. I grew up on the prairie in central Nebraska in a little town situated between the junction of the Loup and North Loup rivers.

The prairie makes you feel big and small at the same time. When you can see miles into the distance, all things seem possible. When you watch a storm build in the west and smell the rain well before it falls where you are, man’s tenuous connection to the enormity of time and space becomes clear and you feel your smallness in the larger world. The prairie touches your soul.

I want my words to make people feel the bigness of possibility and understand the smallness of our place in the universe at the same time. When someone reads my work and comes away seeing things in a different light or having something within them affirmed, that’s success.